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Tips for Talking While Wearing Dentures

Tips for Talking While Wearing Dentures

When you first get your new dentures, you might find that talking isn’t as easy with a dental appliance in your mouth. Here, our Surrey dentists suggest few ways to get more comfortable speaking with your dentures in.

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How can I tell if I should whiten my teeth?

How can I tell if I should whiten my teeth?

Here are some tips from our Surrey dentists on how to tell if teeth whitening might be right for you.

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Three Types of Sleep Apnea Explained - OSA, CSA, MSA

Three Types of Sleep Apnea Explained - OSA, CSA, MSA

People suffering from sleep apnea experience breathing pauses frequently during sleep. The following are a few of the reasons people experience sleep apnea.

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Why are my dentures loose?

Why are my dentures loose?

Your dentures should fit securely on your gums. Sometimes, under certain circumstances they may become loose and stop fitting as well as they did when you first got them. Here are some tips to help.

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How long is the healing process for dental implants?

How long is the healing process for dental implants?

Since there are a number of steps involved in the dental implant process healing will also involve multiple steps. However, there are other factors which also have an influence on how long the healing process will take these include the patient's overall health and the number of teeth being replaced.

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What happens if I don’t treat my sleep apnea?

What happens if I don’t treat my sleep apnea?

When you suffer from sleep apnea, you experience pauses in your breathing while you're asleep. If left untreated, it can lead to a range of serious health problems.

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How to Improve Your Flossing Technique

How to Improve Your Flossing Technique

Often people don't take much care with flossing, some even skip it completely, many think that brushing is sufficient. If that sounds like you, and you want to do a better job flossing, here are few tips to help achieve your most brilliant smile.

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Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-Supported Dentures

As you have probably already guessed, an implant-supported denture is supported by and attached to a dental implant.

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How Sleep Apnea Affects Mental Health

How Sleep Apnea Affects Mental Health

Most people are aware that sleep apnea has a variety of physical effects on the body, but many people don’t realize that it can have a negative impact on mental health as well.

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What type of electric toothbrush should I get?

What type of electric toothbrush should I get?

Although the type of electric toothbrush you choose is primarily up to your personal preference, there are a couple of features most dentists recommend.

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Contact ProActive Dental Studio today, and get on the path to a brighter, healthier smile!

(604) 583-4242