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Is dental sedation safe?

Is dental sedation safe?

For some of us, visiting the dentist can be an anxiety-causing experience and some of us may avoid going as often as we should because of this. Today, our Surrey dentists explain how dental sedation is a safe way to allow you to have routine dental services done comfortably.

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Should I use charcoal toothpaste?

Should I use charcoal toothpaste?

Often our patients will ask us if they should be using charcoal toothpaste to brighten their smiles. Here, our Surrey dentists explain why they recommend against charcoal toothpaste and offer more effective options that can be used to whiten your teeth instead. 

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Can my dentist see signs of sleep apnea?

Can my dentist see signs of sleep apnea?

Did you know that dentists are often the first health professionals to spot signs of sleep apnea? If your Surrey dentist spots signs of sleep apnea during your examination, they will let you know so you can make an appointment with your doctor. 

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How Often to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

How Often to Whiten Your Teeth at Home

Professional at-home whitening kits can be a good treatment option to brighten your smile. In today's post, our Surrey dentists discuss how often you should whiten your teeth and how to make your results last as long as possible. 

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Can I use Invisalign after other dental treatments?

Can I use Invisalign after other dental treatments?

Invisalign is a common treatment option for patients looking to straighten their smiles. Even if you've had prior dental work such as veneers, crowns, or implants, Invisalign orthodontic treatment still may be an option for straightening your teeth.

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The Cost of Dental Implants Explained

The Cost of Dental Implants Explained

Although dental implants may be a good treatment option for those who are missing one or more teeth, they are often an expensive investment. Today, our Surrey dentists explain some of the cost factors behind dental implants.  

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What does dental sedation feel like?

What does dental sedation feel like?

If going to the dentist makes you uneasy or anxious you might consider a dental sedation option. Today, our Surrey dentists discuss some of the common feelings experienced during dental sedation. 

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How can I help my child keep their smile healthy?

How can I help my child keep their smile healthy?

Good oral hygeine habits that begin in childhood can last a lifetime. Here, our Surrey dentists share tips on how to help your child keep a healthy smile.

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How can I safely whiten my teeth?

How can I safely whiten my teeth?

Thinking about whitening your smile? While there are many teeth whitening options to choose from, not all of them are effective — or safe. Our Surrey dentists explain how you can safely whiten your teeth.

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Tips for Sticking with Your Invisalign Treatment

Tips for Sticking with Your Invisalign Treatment

Now that you've started your Invisalign treatment, you're on your way to a straighter smile. Congratulations! Time to get to work and get used to a new routine. While this may be challenging at first, it is doable, especially with these helpful tips from our Surrey dentist to help you stick with Invisalign treatment. 

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(604) 583-4242